I had a lovely time last evening visiting my brother John and sister in law Virginia. I told them all about my wonderful Boston trip and we ate some tasty food.  They are looking forward to their trip to Australia to see their new grandson Mason.  They travel out on Monday - overnight stop in Dubai and then on to Perth next day.  They are going for 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to following their trip via Facebook.

I got home after midnight and I was very tired.  I tried catching up with blip comments but kept nodding off. 

Had a bit of a lie in this morning and then got on with some household chores.  Then I got the bus to Bensham - on the outskirts of Gateshead.  Its where Neil is working these days.  I needed to give him one of his work shirts which he has left here by mistake.  It was nice to have a short catch up.

Decided to go into Gateshead and instead of getting the bus  I walked - needed to get some steps under my belt. ( Its around 1.5 miles) 

On my walk I saw this lovely pink flower and thought it would be a good blip for Flower Friday ( thanks to BikerBear for hosting ) and also Breast Cancer Awareness Month - BCAM. ( Hosted by SweetArt ). I did a bit of processing and ended up with the flower looking as though its in a bubble - or a glass paperweight. 

Steps today - 9,172

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