It has arrived.

The new bed arrived today, new bed linen as well, looks very inviting.

Had an interesting phone call from my step daughter last night. It was our other grandsons birthday on Friday, we sent a card, Ju phoned to say that we could donate some money (if we wanted) to some lego that Steven wanted, apparently it costs 200 quid!! It's interesting that she has never phoned us this year for a chat or to wish her dad happy birthday/fathers day or anything else come to that. This year they have bought Steven a full size drum kit, as he wanted to learn to play the drums!! a bmx mountain bike at a cost of 400 quid, last Christmas they spent a grand on him, he is atually a nice little boy, I just hope he grows up to realise that money doesn't grow on trees and you can't always have what you want. We will donate to his birthday present.

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