Water Baby

It was a laugh a minute at the bird bowls tonight and once again I've had a tough time choosing which image to blip. This particular Rosella was really hogging the bowls and kept hopping from one to the other. CRIKEY, no wonder the water tank is getting a bit low. Just look at the water that's being dispersed with just this one manoeuvre.

We had a lovely surprise visit from two great friends and their niece today and it was just wonderful sitting out under the awning enjoying a batch of date and lemon scones. I have to admit, I did get a bit of a shock when I went to whip the cream and found I had purchased a small carton of milk!! They seemed to go down well with just the blackberry jam but it will take me a while to live it down :-)

PS - I'm just editing my journal tonight to add an extra which I really hope Beckett will see at some stage. CCN and I have been practising taking birds as they take off and we were nearly hysterical when this one came up on the screen. I'm sure this little flame robin had no idea that he was part of the training session for bird take off images. Another inch and he'd have missed the party :-). Perhaps I should alert Beckett, I'm sure he'll have a good laugh when he sees it.

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