A loooooong walk up to Kyperounda, the third highest village in Cyprus, to join in with their annual Apple Festival. Who knew you could do so many things with an apple! Wine, liquor, sauces, sweets, desserts, remedies, olive & apple oil, apple soap, apple air-freshener, apple face cream, apple shampoo, apple Turkish delight, apple macaroons, apple cakes, apple crepes, apple sausages, dried apples, pickled apples, toffee apples, chocolate apples, apple juice, cider and ......... just apples! People travel from afar for the celebrations, singing, dancing, stories, poetry & drama. Fabulous! What a Cyprian treat ..... and you don't need to like apples to enjoy the celebrations.

Extras today of Mrs K relaxing after today's uphill hike and downhill hitchhiking. And another of the inside of Timios Stavros. This area is renown for it's Byzantine painted churches.

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