Burn on da Bumpy Rod

A slight breeze blowing today, and mixed with sunny spells and showers.

I had a few pints last night, so surprisingly I slept well this morning.  I finally got up, and big Brian and Madeline came over for bacon rolls.  Me and Sammy enjoyed a walk around Scalloway, before heading down to mam's in the afternoon.  It's been a quiet evening at home so far, and think I'll just keep my feet up and watch a few films.

Me, mam and Elise decided to head out for a walk.  Along the road and headed up to Greenmow, and cut back through to mam's via the Bumpy Road.  When I was a peerie bairn, there was always puddles along the road, but now there seems to be a full flowing burn!  Climate change is certainly here, and for us it's more and more rain!  Here's Elise and Sammy trying to stay clear of the burn and looking towards Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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