The Long Bar

It was so lovely to catch up on sleep this morning! I had a lazy day really, it was grey all day and not very cheerful.

Little Ro went AWOL so I took Little B for a walk before packing him off to auntie shelle's for the evening. 

I went on a date to the Long Bar in Guildford. I have walked past it a lot and always wanted to go in but never had the chance until today. I went on a date with a guy I met this time last year. We had one date, and then he asked for a second, and then just "ghosted" me. We ended up matching on a dating app last week and chatted, and he said we should go out again. I was expecting him to cancel to be honest, but he didn't, and we ended up having a really good time.

We both said we'd like to do it again, and have organised another date in a week or so's time. I really want things to progress, but I sometimes worry if it's for the wrong reasons. And then it makes me nervous that he might cancel before then!

When did I become so pathetic? 

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