Music Box

I saw this piece of paper on the ground in Leith Links a couple weeks ago. I picked it up because it looks very similar to my dad's handwriting. This said to me that it was probably someone of a certain age that wrote it and that it could be interesting... How had it got there? Why was it there? What would it say? Would I know anyone or anything in the text? Was it the ghost of my dear old deid dad expressing himself silently like he did in life?

So, I spent a bit of time tonight trying to transcribe the text because what I read, standing in the middle of a children's playground on that sunny weekend afternoon, made me chuckle to myself and wonder who'd written it, what the story was behind the orphan page. I romanticised the whole thing as I always do and now this event is lodged in my mind and may come out as a perceived truthful memory when I eventually go senile. Either way, here it is:

"...The Bobsy Family kids sat at the dinner table as they eat elevenses and drank pop as they [....] one of the turns edmond shinlled would like to go on an adventure today and take with me lashings of ginger beer as today I feed adventurous if and ifs [....] for a rip roaring fun as Lucille looked at him in disgust as he loudly lifted his leg and looked: at her intently and intensely his eyes narrowing and looking all hawk like and beady as his determined with face looked concentrated with effort as he seemed intense in the moment as he slowly lifted his leg and released a rapturous to the gods slowy emitting a well timed gradual rasping fart as everyone else ignored him and pretended to listen to the background music of yellow..."

Oh, and some backflips:

You can make your cake and eat it (once you've finished your tea)

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