
By Beewriter

National Bookshop Day

So, it is National Bookshop Day....I'm all in favour of supporting bookshops, of making sure the printed word is always there and that the electronic word doesn't usurp. I like my kindle, don't get me wrong, but nothing will ever replace a book for me. The touch of paper, the smell of a new book, the cover, the feel....books will always win. So, as I is National Bookshop Day and I wanted to support it so I toddled off into town. 

I headed for Waterstones....I do love that shop....and had a good old mooch. There was not one thing to mark the posters, no events, no authors, no signings, no competitions, no activities, no bunting and worst of all no sign of the special bag Books Are My Bag !!!! I was mighty disappointed. I nipped into the Arndale to see if the Waterstones there was doing anything...but to no avail. 

I took a couple of pics before heading home. 

The coven was somewhat depleted this afternoon with just Ellen and I....and I declined one of Ellen's freshly baked, delicious looking scones. It is killing me being good :((

I went along to the Lowry this evening to watch The Kite Runner. Oh, what an absolutely fantastic production. The leading man was amazing, he must be physically drained by the end of the show. The set was brilliant and I thoroughly recommend this play. 

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