Phone blip disappointment
Sometimes you just have to accept that you need a proper camera and good editing software to get the picture you want... usually my blips are just "memories of the day" and picture quality is irrelevant (like yesterday, back blipped). But this was a beautiful scene - the cereal stalks glowed yellow / orange, and the sky was that classic Lincolnshire "brooding yet hopeful" with gleams of light. The sign was "WARNING: legal action will be taken against unauthorised persons found on this property" (presumably an attempted defence against rural crime perpetrators, especially hare coursers...). But I'd need three blips differently processed to even come close to showing those different aspects of the scene. This was taken from the side of the A16 between Louth and Holton le Clay. Most likely decent sale of the day cancelled, scratched out two £100 Christmas catalogue orders... but chinwagged with some of my favourite customers till almost 1am! - I'm such a saddo that my job is effectively my social life... Still, maybe Frank ( ) will eventually put in a nice order - like maybe a bottle of 1945 Armagnac (the year of his birth). And if not, I've still enjoyed hours of hearing about his adventures as a ship captain - in Rio, Santiago, New Orleans, Ghana, Lagos, up the Congo river, Singapore, Limassol... and South Shields and "school" on a boat on the Hamble in Hampshire... First time I have had a cigar with a customer though...! (David you don't count :D)
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