Happy Thanksgiving!
I woke up determined to see the sunrise and travel into Toronto for the morning before heading home to cook a turkey dinner for my daughter and I. Can you believe that it was a balmy 26 C at 5:30 a.m.? With very high winds as you can tell in my blip with the height of the waves!
No sunrise to speak of but still a great way to start the day and give thanks. I did get wet when I ventured out on that pier...and got startled by a human voice coming from the water! Two surfers were trying to surf but were simply getting exhausted in the waves instead...silly men.
The leaves are slowly turning but still not as brilliant as I had hoped they would be. Likely another two weeks and they will peak....hopefully. Still spots of beauty....(see extra).
Wherever you may be and whatever you may be doing, I hope it is bringing you a smile to your face and love in your heart.
Take care...
D x
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