Pink, pinker, pinkest

The magenta rose in my bouquet is in full bloom now and bigger than my hand, I thought it would make for a great pink full frame macro.
Pink for Pinktober, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you want, please follow this link  and click on the pink button for free mammograms for those who can't afford them otherwise.

Thank you so much for a most wonderful collection of Abstract Thursday entries, what a hard time I had choosing just 5 ! Find all of them here !
This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'seasons', take that any way you want. The tag will be AT120

Here is my list of last Thursday's extra specials :-)
KimB  for a beautiful pastel abstract with lots of pink
lathyrus  for a great green ICM image
Majoayee  for a great composition with shades of pink and magic numbers
pipersmom for making a flower out of a bandana and
dfb24  for capturing nature's own abstract

Thank you so much for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's sad fried egg mascot !

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