My kind of Sunday

Last Christmas Claire bought me a driving experience, today was the day to cash it in.

The place we decided on was Long Marston Airfield near Stratford Upon Avon. The cars I chose to drive were the Audi R8, Ariel Atom (Pictured) and the Nissan GTR. I had high hopes for all of them and the only one that was a bit of a let down was the R8, don't get me wrong it's an awesome car but it was somewhat tame and too refined compared to the other two. 

The atom was the closest thing I've ever experienced to riding one of my  motorbikes and definitely got the adrenaline going more than any but the big power of the GTR won the day, truly a beast of a car and is still in top place for my dream purchase.

I've done track days before and they are obviously much better value for money than these experience days but this lets you drive something you wouldn't normally get your hands on ie. cars up to £250k. Brilliant fun was had by all of us.

Thanks Claire for a great 2016 Christmas present X

Mr Bo Hingles

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