what we did today...

By SarnieV


D played football first thing. He was really chuffed to score lots of goals. It was definitely chilly - better dig out the hats and gloves again for watching football!
After lunch we headed to Dollar. I sell some of my products and paintings at a gallery there. I was taking some stock. We then walked up the glen to Castle Campbell up on the hill. It was a glorious sunny afternoon after a chilly morning. The boys grumbled a bit about having to go on the walk, but enjoyed it. Tho it took a lot of convincing that all was not lost when we arrived at the castle after it had closed :-(
On the way home D was complaining that we hadn't been for his bday meal. So I rang a local Italian restaurant and got us a table for on our way home. We were a bit muddy and felt a bit underdressed, but D was v happy. Esp when his ice cream was brought out with a candle in it and the waiters sang happy birthday.
We then dashed home to get changed to go to a friend's 40th party. This friend loves playing the piano so much, his party was a jazz concert and dance where he played. He had a fantastic time playing the piano and hardly talking to anyone. The music was fab.

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