loco viejo


Long day

Left at 8.30am - tried different route to work but no quicker... long day of phoning and admin... Tesco shop on the way home... back 10.30pm... about 10 journeys up and down stairs with shopping, wine deliveries and customer gifts as won't all fit in car as well as tasting sample cases and Rebekah, and don't want to be doing it in the morning... first appointment 90 minutes away at 10am... dropping Bex on the way. Bex normally helps but she was in bed.
I'd decided I deserved a steak so cooked that with shiitake, asparagas and about 6 chips (carbs are bad for me!). Bit disappointing tbh - Aldi steak is better, and cheaper. Then had a 2nd glass of vino (Chilean Carménère), and watched a bit of "Travels with my Father" with Jack Whitehall (and his Dad, unsurprisingly - who Bex and I have decided is a caricature in the shape of "all that Naomi most detests"). Bed at 12.30am. Now it's 6am and I'm awake again... and today is another long day. C'est la vie if I want to pay off my debts. And as my ex-wife pointed out on Sunday, enjoying your job is a precious thing in life. Just a good job I'm single... it's no life for someone in a relationship...

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