Canon Can

By Trotter

Now its the turn of the Common Brush Tailed Possum

Unfortunately he is slightly out of focus... The nurse holding him was very worried that he was waking up, so I had one shot at this photo and it was taken very hurriedly. There is a good reason to be a little afraid of these guys...
He has been fighting with his neighbours, mostly in the pursuit of love and had a nasty wound to his tail base for his troubles. As already mentioned, he is sedated as unlike the friendly ring tails, this guy is nasty!! His claws are amazingly sharp, like nothing I have ever seen and he's beautiful. He has the thickest softest fur I have ever touched and not a single flea in site. He recovered well from his anaesthetic and was released back into the wild this evening.

In other news, amazing possum aside, my day was pretty horrible. Vetting is amazingly stressful, and sometimes I wonder why the hell I do this job... Sometimes I can talk myself down, other times I go into a spin... today was one of the latter type. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

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