Cabbage Roses

Gina brought me some lovely lilies and cabbage roses at the weekend and I have had a play with the colours this afternoon to create an image I like. 

Last night Rob and I went to a really interesting talk by Martin Parr, the British Photographer about his career and his style of photography. It was really good to hear him give a commentary on many of his photos, his move from B&W to colour and some of his commissions. I hadn't appreciated that he has directed the "idents" that appear on the BBC between their programmes  of like minded groups, fell walkers, swimmers, exercisers etc. Here is a link.

His work tends to comprise a mixture of street photography and portraits and he mentioned that whenever he does a portrait he sends a print of it to the subject. He currently uses a Canon 5d mark 4, usually a 24 to 70mm lens and often a flash. 

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