Dr Jones

By jones

Fed up

Ben had sent the builder a message last night asking him when we should be expecting him. He’d replied saying that he would come today. I didn't leave the house until 8.45pm and there was no sign of him. I usually leave my car at Kingston Bridge House and walk the rest of the way to work (20 minutes). However, yesterday a note had been placed on my windscreen (yet again) saying that I am not allowed to park there despite having a staff permit. There was a ‘you will be clamped’ threat on the note so I decided to catch the train to work today. After tapping my card at the entrance of the station, I noticed that something wasn't quite right. I then checked my app and saw that the train had been cancelled and that subsequent trains were delayed. I then had to catch the bus to work and didn't get to my office until 10am.
When I got home, there was no evidence that the builder had been at all. I’m really sick and tired of him regularly not turning up when there is still so much work to be done.  

In the evening, I went to bridge club. I hadn’t played for ages so I was quite chuffed when I managed to win all tricks in one hand.

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