Red-Light Area

More horses this week.  Sometimes, I find myself driving this way just to get to this particular exit road, hoping to get my shot for today, as I do not like to take shots at work too often, especially if it might get some students into the shot, as not many people like to be shot and I am not social enough to ask.  No time to straighten up the shot, as you can see, but I liked the fact that the sun was out.

Went to work, worked, went back home, and it's Friday again.  Don't tell me, I know where the time goes.  Bollywood music is keeping me afloat (yes, it's the same film of a month back which I haven't gotten tired of yet).  Hubby is always there for me and we have agreed to 'cuggle' more often (thanks to Topsy56's grandsons for the pronunciation!) just to remind each other that we're still together.

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