
By NellTheHare

Castle Mound

I had a Drs appointment today. Im not fond of Drs appointments so decided to break the day up & inject some pleasure into the proceedings by taking a walk around Thetford with my camera.
I went to the nature reserve first, then the Castle Mound & park & lastly the priory ruins. This as you can see is the Castle Mound.
It was built on the site of an Iron Age Fort built by ancestors of the Iceni Queen Boudica - who had their centre of operations, so to speak, in Thetford.
Its believed the mound was built shortly after the Norman conquest ( about 1070 ), when Thetford was the 6th largest town in England!
The mound which had a timber castle on the top, was the 'Motte' of the 'Motte & Bailey' castle, it was formed by chalk that was dug out of the ditches at the mounds foot.
The mound itself is 80ft tall, I didnt climb it ( being terrified of anything higher than the second rung of a ladder ) but apparently there is a great view from the top.
Anyway, thats todays blip :)

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