By JAM28

Out With The Old.....

.......In With The New.

We have had a death in the family. Our old washing machine has been a faithful friend for 21 years, bought just before Miss M was born. They really don't make them to last like this anymore. It has been jammed fuller than it should have been and used more or less on a daily basis for all those years. But the inevitable has finally happened and it has died.
We're not well known for choosing new things quickly, but a day after the old one died, the new one was bought and installed by Mr M.
A washing machine is one thing we really can't do without.
The old machine is pictured here outside the house at night, in the rain and street light, waiting for someone to take it away. It was gone by morning. I know it's only an inanimate object, but I did feel very disloyal abandoning it!
The new one is going to take a bit of getting used to. It weighs the washing and calculates the amount of water and length of wash needed. Who knew such a thing was possible? All I want is a 30, 40 and 60 degree wash! I'm hoping that it's not too clever for its own good - more gadgets and gizmos means more to go wrong as far as I am concerned. Time will tell. I very much doubt if it will make it to 21 years :(

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