World DAWG Day

We have been promised a change in the weather from tomorrow so I spent almost the entire day indoors on "Home Office". Several times during the day heard on German radio and later TV that today was World Dog Day.

Having researched a bit, it seems this fact is not known by most - well to be honest, all  the dog owners know everyday is Best Dog in the World Day. Seems many celebrate in June or August.

Angie trying hard to get to grips with her aches and pains was off to the sports centre this evening to try to get help from the physiotherapy people there are to have another sauna. So  it was down to me and the dogs to put the horses to bed and I then realised I hadn-#t taken a photo all day. So this was a hurried mobile phone shot.

Flash as a member of the Dog Automatic Work Group is always there when there is work to do. He switches ton Autopilot and all his aches and pains disappear for a minute.

Luna looks as though she is standing on guard duty. Truth is she is fixing the horse Sultan with her eyes in case he dreams of trying to grab her frisbee.

Glad to report that since restarting Flash on Turmeric (Golden Paste) he has daily gone from strength to strength. One does need to put that in to context - he will never again spring around like a new born lamb and turmeric will never bring back a missing spleen or repair an arthritic bone but it does without any question in my own mind, have an anti inflammatory effect and loosens him up a bit. Kick myself for stopping the paste for a while. 

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