Birsay (Day 888)

The early morning wander up the hill was fairly pleasant this morning without the rain of yesterday.
I trundled out to Stromness to do a little job which the customer has been trying to do themselves for the past 3 days. The correct parts helped quite a lot, and I was finished in 15 minutes.
There was something to collect at Mum's so I dropped in and spent a very pleasant morning blethering to Mum. It seems ages since we had a good catch up. Later in the morning we were joined by my beautiful wife for  a little while.
HV and I headed back home for lunch, then out to Birsay which was fabulous in the sunshine. We spent a while watching the huge waves rolling in and crashing on the cliffs. I couldn't resist a couple of shots of HV shooting the waves, and another extra looking along the coast the other way...

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