That's magic

I popped into my local pet shop today, and next to the till, on the floor, was this baby macaw in a box. Now, I'm never 100% sure about the going's on in this pet shop. The owner is a lovely young man, who is big and muscly but who dusts everything I buy with a feather duster before handing it to me. That part I don't mind, but there is a room out the back, where you can find many different animals for sale and I'm never entirely sure it's all... kosher, for want of a better word. But the baby macaw was in clear sight, so I bent to take a photo before asking "is your parrot ok"? "It's a baby macaw", said burly pet shop man, "I'm feeding him 6 times a day, go on... touch him". I declined, citing a fear of being bitten. "Next month you come, I put him on your shoulder" he laughed, as he dusted my bag of sensitive stomach cat food. I can't wait!

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