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Up really early this morning, then off to work. It was a baptism of fire, as the elderly gent, who part owns the shop, had to go for an emergency  eye test, so J & I were on our own, literally.  Actually, it wasn't as bad I as I thought, and the morning just flew by. One of the customers, was a guy who wanted a key cut, and while J was doing that, I started chatting to him. He  looked very fit & healthy, and I was shocked when he said, I've come back home to die.   At first, I thought he was joking, but then he told us he was 47 years old, and has  only six months to live, and I knew he was definitely not joking.     You can never tell, when you look at people what is really going on, under the surface,  but he made me feel so glad to be fit & healthy.  It was certainly a varied morning, and I enjoyed it, although I am  shattered now. I think it's going to be an early. night Oh and yes, I did sell a fork handle, but not four candles:-)

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