Early Evening Skies

Quick blip of the evening skies when I got home from work and shopping :)

Had to go the back way to work as (with many others) I was not able to get on the A34 yet again today!  On the way I saw sooo many pheasants, grouse, you name it across the fields...but I'd rushed out and didn't pick up my camera.  Will have to go back that way sometime when I'm not working!

I have made the decision today, to draw back from Facebook as I don't have enough time anymore to trawl through the 51 or more comments I'm getting a day....including lots of political comments I am fed up with trying to get past from relatives who I don't want to disconnect from BUT.

Very thankful to have Blip :)

Thankful its Friday tomorrow and I am only working Monday next week, then I'm on holiday for a few days :)

Happy Thursday folks :)

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