
By Beewriter

Predictive Text...

The sun was shining this morning and it was my day off, well it would have been criminal to stay indoors and do chores, wouldn't it. So, I headed into town for a mooch around. The elusive 'They' had put Hallowe'en lanterns on all the trees around the centre and they caught the sunlight beautifully. I quite liked the juxtaposition of the pagan lanterns in front of the church too lol. I popped into Norfolk House to see Georgina as she is back at work now, but she only works there in the static centre and not out on mobile any more. I had a cuppa there with her and Aram, then left them to their one donor between all nine, or so, of them.

So....tomorrow is a training day at work and we are all going bowling for team bonding. I am really looking forward to it, but Sue sent me a text earlier hoping she wouldn't be in a team with certain people. We ended up predicting:

Amanda....I'd like her on my team as she is super fit as she goes to the gym every day and she is also very competitive.
Janet...I love her, but she has arthritis in her fingers so she will struggle to bowl.
Linzi...lovely girl, but very quiet. small but desperate to be a big winner in front of the other men.
Chris....will act like he doesn't care but will want to be the alpha male
Matt....will have a cocky arrogance that only a twenty four year old can get away with, but he will be a good laugh
Liam...will just be good fun.
Jeff....will let his OCD take over and will put more effort into planning than doing.
Aram....he will be the Queen of the day, but he's a good laugh so I wouldn't mind him on my team
Suzanne...I think she will be a good bowler.
Pat her but I bet she bowls like she rows a dragon boat ha ha ha 
Pat M...won't try hard enough
Julie M....won't want to be there
Julie N...will be a good laugh.
Daz....another gym freak so I'd like him on my team. He's a laugh too.
Sabine...not competitive, but she is hilarious.
Lucy....always good fun, but has a bad shoulder (hope it isn't her bowling arm side)
Paula...good fun, but not sure that she is competitive enough lol
Audrey...probably won't be able to bowl after breaking her arm a few months ago
Catherine...will put more effort into eating lunch than bowling and I doubt she's competitive
Lynn...great laugh, but won't care if she wins or not
Shelley....won't like it at all.
Steve...has apparently hurt his back (just like he did before the dragon boat race) so probably won't be there
Rebecca...quiet, but will be good I think
Elaine...not in the least competitive, but always great company.
Linda....will prefer to go out for a smoke
Mike...I wouldn't mind him on my team as I bet he will be really competitive.
Sara...well she will turn up late and spend all the time waving her arms about prattling rubbish 

So....we shall see!

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