
 As I headed down the M6 on my way to work this morning I was thinking about all things abstract particularly as I was launching into abstract Thursday. Wordsworth's unusual poem blipped yesterday led me on to thinking not just about abstract images but also abstract ideas (I've always loved W's line 'I have thoughts that are fed by the sun') and what he might have meant by 'peace' and what that meant for me. And after last night it certainly wasn't to be found outside at my neighbours ... still .... (and what really pisses me off after ripping each other to shreds last night is that when I get back home this evening there's a hideous coquettish joviality going on again. The in-congruence quite frankly makes me want to throw up).  

As I headed through the Howgills and passed Killington I hadn't noticed that there had been no traffic heading north for some time and I soon came to a grinding halt along with everyone else heading south. And there we all stayed for a couple of hours.

After listening to Melvyn for a bit I strayed out to join some children balancing on the barrier on the central reservation and stood on an empty northbound carriageway and discussed bladder control with the chap in the van who was keeping us posted on developments from his iPhone.

It was a huge crane fire that bought us all to a stop. Once moving, things jammed up as everyone tried to get off heading for the nearest toilet  Kendal and so I decided to abandon plan and head back again by a circuitous route to the Penrith office.

red robin, red car - stop
sleepless M6 finds brief peace
a moment in time

I think this is too representational to qualify for abstract but I liked the combination of abstractions.

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