
R and I went swimming this morning with Bryony and baby Robin. we tried out a new leisure centre that we hadn't been to before and a mum/baby swim session, it was lovely and quiet so perfect et for swimming, splashing and chatting.

We headed home and I had my work call with the states. R decided not to nap today after falling asleep in the car but amazingly I made it through my call unscathed and she played happily and quietly!!

Swimming after school and then C's Y2 parents evening. He got a glowing report which was wonderful and rather a surprise too!! His writing and spelling is ahead of where it needs to be and his maths exceeding - he needs to keep on with the challenges set for when he finishes his work. He obviously enjoys both subjects a lot and is so proud to show the teacher when he has done good work. What a long way he's come in just 2 short years from the little fidget on the carpet in reception who couldn't remember where to hang up his coat!

Super super proud.

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