Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

My gorgeous boys. Got my big girl pants on today and took Buddy up to beacon in the horsebox on my own. It was v windy up in the car park and he jumped out of the box rather than walking down the ramp as something must have spooked him. But other than that we had a fantastic ride. It was good just being us two. Feels like some good bonding time rather than spending the time chatting to someone else.

Lime is in his last week of his arc program. He's sound and on his toes when I turn him out so I will just have to see what happens when I start riding him again.

Eva went to play at Phoebe and Amelia's after school whilst Tobes had his guitar lesson. He's still so keen! Every time we get in the car I have to put either Royal Blood or Queens of the stone age on. He said he wants to play with royal blood. Hes so funny cos he's desperate to sing along so when there's a line he remembers he just shouts it excitedly. His favourite song at the mo is Little Monster. Eva's too!

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