Family 6

By meganrose


Farrah has a new 'homework' book. She decided to write and draw in it today. Her first sentence was ' I go to ikea'. Like some kind of admission in a self-help group.

I posted it on Facebook and I got some funny replies about the things other peoples kids write.? One friends mothers day card read 'my mummy likes beer and hoovering'. Of course daddy had to inform the teacher it was a lie, she actually prefers wine and he had never seen her with a hoover. The lovely dotty's son put 'mummy likes white wine. Mummy likes pink wine. Mummy likes red wine.'?

What's that saying about 'out of the mouths of babes'??

For any psychologists out there, the picture goes Farrah, me, Rory, daddy, Liam and Callum. From left to right. Make of it what you will.


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