Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Mama Baby Love

Dropped in on this beautifal pair today. Mama is an old college friend (13 years since college - gulp!), who I then went on to live with at uni. She is a creative genius, she draws more beautifully than anyone I know - I bet this chick could make a drawing of a poo look pretty. Can you believe that this lass gave birth 3 weeks ago? Not only that, but her precious little daughter feeds around the clock, so she is monumentally sleep deprived. WHERE ARE THE BAGS?!! Look at her eyes, not a smidge of photoshoppery went on I promise! Absolute stunner. Sorry to get gushy but I have missed this girl in my life. The reason for my visit was to take a stretchy wrap round for her to carry little princess around in. She looked so scruptiously cozy in there! We talked about old times, new times, sad times and happier times. Speaking of time, we'd better not leave it so long 'till the next time - I expect we'll have all the more reason to meet up now that we both have wee munchkins to entertain.

Later in the day mr Bashy had his Jabs. Boo had complained that I didn't let him watch last time, so this time I invited him in to the treatment room. Bashy screamed for a few minutes and was then perfectly fine. Boo, however, was pretty traumatised by seeing his little bro being so cruelly jabbed by a strange lady. He spent most of the car ride to Cleo's house wimperimg about nasty needles. Poor little sausage! Playing with Cleo more than made up for it though; a few little tiffs over wanted toys amidst a sea of giggles and jumping and rainbow-making and singing songs of sleeping bunnies and melon and babies and, oh - one very tired mummy. Home for a chicken dinner, kids in bed, big thanks to Mum who has been my chaiffuer and shopper all day. Now time for a brew before I face the toy chaos in the living room...

Sleeping Bunnies :)

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