The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I'm Hare Aware!

I spent the day with a friend who I met through a mutual love of hares and wildlife.

She's a ceramicist and has come up with a brilliant scheme to raise awareness of the vulnerability of our beautiful hares - threatened by changing farming practises and worst of all, hare coursers.

She's been making life sized mud hares and placing them in fields and around her neighbourhood - to be gradually worn away by the wind and the rain and eventually return to the land - to symbolise the fragility of their existence.

My friend is very keen for people all over the country to get involved - so today I went to visit and made this mud hare under her supervision and also videoed her making a hare, so people can see how to make these hares for themselves.

This is an article about the project in her local paper - written after she'd left a hare on their doorstep. They brought their hare indoors to keep him safe!

My blip is the hare I made under her guidance.


In other news - life and volunteering continues!

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