Di and the interesting tree

Di is a wonderful and very special friend who was given a very poor prognosis when she was diagnosed with breast cancer 11years ago. An excellent artist she created and later exhibited some amazing pieces which depicted her story as she went through her treatment and beyond.  Formerly a mental health nurse she has been an inspiration to so many people in so many ways.  She spent yesterday talking to ladies about her experience of lymphoedema. 
We met for coffee at a great market I hadn't been to before and then walking back to the car we passed this interesting apple tree.  An unusual shape for an apple(extra 1) and a bright pink flower (just one left near the top of the photo) The thickness of the trunk told us it had been there for a long time.  This is one of Auckland's oldest and most expensive areas and quite possibly the seed arrived with early settlers. Extra 2 is the house on this piece of prime real estate. 

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