Another burning hot day. 29 degrees yesterday, and today is shaping up to be even hotter. With the kids in the groove of getting up early, and Mr B not even sure what day it is, let alone what timezone he's in, we were all up and about before 9. Market, shopping and home to discover that the early start meant we still had an hour before lunch. So, a mooch around the garden to see what's growing well (dahlias, olives and grass) and what needs a bit of tlc (apple trees and lavender).
Later, the rabbits joined us in the garden for some concentrated digging (seems like a cheap way of keeping their claws and teeth worn down), lunch on "the winter terrace" and dinner prep (today and tomorrow).
In times yet to arrive, I imagine there will be some gardening, some lounging in the garden with my book and glass of something cold, then a curry and more Battlestar Galactica (though I think it is getting a little silly now).
The properties on either side of us have just been sold. We have a slightly bad feeling about what that means for our future tranquility.
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