flying the flags
Action packed day. Worked on lecture 3 all morning. In the afternoon I took the boys to the ThinkAgain rally. There was a few hundred people there. The speeches were very good. I guess preaching to the choir. Never the less, I liked the fact there was cross-party talk. I was very impressed by the LibDem speaker. I was also impressed by the Conservative. It should be very clear that I am nowhere near that lot. Yet he had a lot to say. I was somewhat surprised that he talked about the coming difficulties (he might have said storm) and he didn't mean the Brexit mess. I had the feeling he was thinking of the much bigger troubles of climate change, automation, etc. He said that all this would not concern him (at 79) but his children and grandchildren and that leaving the EU will make matters only worse. We shall see what comes next.
Love the flag of celtic nations.
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