Ben's Lens

By benslens

Autumn Flags

Well, it has been a good month of so since I've posted anything on blip. Autumn Quarter started and my has gone back to a whirlwind of class prep, teaching, meeting with students, and other aspects of academic life. I didn't quite finish the paper I was working on over summer and who knows when I'll get back to it. It is life at full-throttle but I love it. If only it left a bit more time for photos!

That said, October is a lovely, lovely month here in the Walla Walla Valley. It has taken me two full weeks to get this photo off my camera, but two Saturdays ago T and I did make it down to the Whitman Mission to walk about in the beautiful light. Signs of autumn abound (and have continued to appear and develop since then.) I thought the flags of color on this old tree were lovely so I thought I would share them with you.

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