twinned with trumpton


A gentle start to the day; pottering quietly and making sweet potato, chilli and lime soup before taking a flask of it off out with to the barber's and then to hers. She's spent the morning doing overtime and was ready to head out when I arrived.

To the train station and we headed off to Polmont. Brief chat with the folks re: house buying and Alex birthday which was better than rading the Metro, I s'pose. Buying a lottery ticket and a sandwich, we then sped down the hill to Grangemouth, zigzagged around some 'interesting' residential areas before finally exiting to the north and the flat lands between there and the Kincardine Bridge. We cycled up and back; and then stopped for the soup at the Kelpies - good soup! - with added distraction of watching the steady stream of selfie takers (see extra). 
Then back onto the bikes and followed the Forth & Clyde canal to the Falkirk Wheel and looped back round along the Union Canal back to Falkirk High and a train home. 20 miles or thereabouts.

I went to pick up prints for the Bill Board exhibition and met back at hers; spag bol and a restful few hours before G came back (I exited prior to this) and was home by 9.30; sleeping by 10.

The lottery ticket yielded £2025. 

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