Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Strike a Pose

These two blokes walked passed us looking fabulous with their trendy hat and hairstyles, but I didn't have the courage to stop and ask them for a photo. When I looked back they were doing this*, so I snapped a quick shot. I have overprocessed it a bit, I think, but I may change it later. 

We went out to Tim and Meredith's last night: a lovely evening but we are both a bit shabby this morning. We have tried all the usual cures: bacon sarnies, coca cola, and a walk to the beach seems to have done the trick. Meanwhile, Amelia seems pretty unscathed by the lack of sleep she has had after her sleepover for Daisy's birthday...

*Edit: look what came up in my Facebook stream this morning (see extra)!

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