Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Autumn Sunday Afternoon...

.. There's nothing quite like a bit of late afternoon sunshine on an October Sunday. The green hues are as recognisably British as making a cup of tea in a crisis. (Or forming a queue).

We had an odd day having felt all day that we should really have been somewhere else (we should have been, it's a long story).

In the unexpected free time I made two cakes.
Both for other people.
Perhaps I wasn't concentrating, but it was one of those days where everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Not in a 'these cakes are inedible' way. Just in an 'I'll pop this chocolatey spoon here,  so that the melty chocolate hazard stays out of harms way', only to find gloopy chocolate up my sleeves (yes, plural), down my trousers (how?) and smearing a newly washed teatowel.  The whisk also, with a mind of it's own, launched itself on to the floor, taking an interesting trajectory which sprayed, amongst other things, the entire draining board of clean washing-up.

Of the decoration on the cakes (one 90th Birthday and one exam congratulations) I can only say that they had form and style in my head and at least I had the good sense to stop when I knew I was losing. (Been there.. Made it worse too many times before).

Autumn is lovely though isn't it?

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