Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Many Layers

This chunk of stuff is nothing but a gabillion layers of paint. It came of a bridge near the University of Virginia Grounds, a bridge called "Beta Bridge." The bridge is painted every few days with new messages of one sort or another and over many many years has built up at least a 4 inch thick covering of layer after layer after layer of different paint colors. At some point a few years ago something happened and one area loosened up, and The Husband went by and broke off a piece - using a chainsaw, he tells me, and fearing being arrested at any moment - and brought it home. It now sits on a table in our living room. The bridge is still being painted several times a week.

There is a bit of pink visible. But I have also decided that since having to blip pink for another two weeks is making me very grumpy, and causing me to not even want to bother with taking any photos, I am going to cheat and sign my blips in pink until the end of October. Maybe that'll make me more interested in my usual blipping of whatever catches my eye no matter what color it is.

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