One Goal, Two Goals...and the Afterglow

His fairly-new-bride decided to stay home and study, so I went with my son Jeff to his hockey game tonight.

It's always a mystery to me as to what I should set my camera settings on.  Even if the rink is pretty well lit, hockey is a fast game. How fast do you bump up the film speed? (I went to 2500.) Fixed focus, or a moving focus? (I tried both.) How about the shutter speed? (I tried both 1/200, and 1/250.)

Anyway, Jeff scored his first goal on a double deke and a back hand, and scored his second on a slick deflection...right out of mid-air.

Always fun to get to continue to play a game that you love, and always fun to watch my little buddy-boy.

As an afterthought...Jeff's team won...4-3.

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