What Crosses My Path...

By madmadame

Prickly Personality

And I am not talking about the flowers either. A fairly new employee has made it very clear that she has no intention of being 'friends' outside of the office.
That's fine but at least be kind, courteous or acknowledge us when you walk into the office. Sheesh! We are a generally a cheerful bunch and it's like it physically pains her to be nice or crack a smile. I could go on and on but you get the point. Everyone has "one of those days" but today was a bad day and I can't remember the last time I have ever said that. It's not her personality that made it a bad day, I can shrug that off and go on about my business. She lied to my employer and said I witnessed an incident in the office when I really didn't. So happy my boss believes me and I have a witness that witnessed that I wasn't a witness! Hahaha!

Positive Note? I talked to my mom, sis, & a good friend and they cheered me up! =)

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