East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Handsome fellow

I've been stalking this guy on and off ever since I got home. I had not seen one of these before and his bright red face caught my eye, However, he is very flighty and everytime I appeared with the camera he would take off. I stalked him this afternoon though - I finally noticed that if I was there with the camera, and very still, he would sometimes come back briefly, so I stood out in the back yard, camera ready, for ages while he flitted around the neighbourhood! Finally he came back to his favourite palm tree and sat there while I took numerous photos. He had some friends with him but they were quite a dull colour.
Anyway after searching through the bird book for ages I finally found him and he is a male Figbird. When I realized this, I remembered Joanne's (Evolving Moments) post of a female Figbird(24th Sept) and sure enough when I checked my photos, his friends were female Figbirds. However, they look totally different to this colourful fellow.

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