Another glorious sunny day. Lots of work this morning - some of which made my head hurt. Most of it, though, was accounts filings where Mr B takes the strain and I just interject common sense, passwords and reassurance, as appropriate.
Into the school office very briefly this morning, where my replacement is now showing her worth. Such a relief! I also popped up to TallGirl's old collège to reply to our invitation to her brevet ceremony. The new Head was at the door, along with the very helpful playground supervisor from last year. She looked delighted that I greeted the Head in a fairly perfunctory way, and talked to her instead. Rank holds no sway with me!
Time for some garden work, after a fabulously cheesy lunch. In order to move a rose bush, I needed to clear away all this year's sweet peas. Unfortunately, I uncovered a rose I'd forgotten about in the spot chosen, so had to uncover a new space for the about-to-be-moved rose. With all that done, I figured I might as well finish clearing debris out of that border (the hissing snake border - though I didn't see it today) resulting in many journeys to the compost mountain. It may be time to revise my policy of composting everything on site - the heap is 6 metres by 3 metres and nearly my height.
Checked my folks were all sorted for the hurricane to come (they live half way up a hill, surrounded by tall, shallow-rooted ash trees), so winter storms are always a worry. But they have two charged mobiles, enough food to feed a small country for a month, and the appropriately named hurricane lamps primed and ready, so I guess they'll be fine. I hope everyone else in the line of fire is equally well prepared.
Later, Mr B warmed up leftovers and rustled up some delicious cauliflower cheese to perk things up. Then more Battlestar Galactica, with the shock revelation that I may have misread Wikipedia and there may be loads of series still to go.
Now, an early night. Last night involved more podcasts than sleep and tomorrow kicks off at 5 something, so bed is required.
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