Angels Would fall to the Floor
So Ex-Orphelia arived today.... preceded by a rather amazing red sun. at 1130.
I never photographed the red sun, because I was too distracted by it's appearance. I'd rather stare than try and capture. Apparently it was the cinders from the forest fires, and some sand from the deserts which caused it. Whatever it was, it was amazing.
The winds started about 3, we were really busy, and so I didn't take much notice, but when I got home, after six, it was really blowing and so I lowered all the seats under the tables and checked everything was tied down.
So at 9, we headed out to check out the tide.
Not quite high tide - but the sea was up to the prom wall,and while not breaking at the car park, was breaking farther along. So farther along we went and watched as wave after wave broke.
We started back when the last wave became the biggest wave and I got soaked. Fear not, we were not standing close enough to be blown away,... only close enough to taste the spray.
Wow. It fairly wakes you up for a moment.... but heavens... I need my bednow.
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