
By DancingAly


I always seem to wax lyrical about lie-in's during the weekend, but I can't help it- getting up at 10am after a busy week is GREAT! I just feel so much better, sharper, able to function when I have plenty of sleep. Shame I can't seem to make it happen during the week...

I had a relaxed morning doing chores in both my houses.....parents and my own.

I had to get ready early to go out as I was going to the Oktoberfest party at the dutch pub, and M was DJ-ing. It's been quite a few months since we did this, not since April I think. I had to be at his place by 5:30pm but predictably I was a few minutes late! 

He decided to drive in as the trains were rubbish, and it was quite nice to have a free and comfortable ride! The trains are fine, it's just neither of us wanted to do an hour's journey plus to do something which should take half the time. Plus we thought we'd get back earlier before 2am. 

It was a really good night. We drove to Hammersmith, where M has found some secret and free parking on a side-street. It was literally just a stone's throw from the Apollo, and where Tim and I used to walk when he went rowing. It was really strange to be so close, and weird when the memories feel almost within touching distance of reality. 

The tube was a bit rubbish and it looked like we might be late, but it turned out ok. A few of M's friends came, and predictably, none of mine! Party poopers, all of them! It was nice because E and U came and we were all out for his birthday a couple of months ago, so it was a familiar group.

There were lots of Dutch people, and lots of obscure music requests. We drank (too many for me), we danced and laughed a lot. I've actually not been into town for about six weeks, and it was really nice to get back there. 

We took the night tube back to Hammersmith, then a little walk, and then the ride home. It's been unseasonably warm this week, and it was really balmy still at 1am. We still didn't make it back to M's until just before 2am and I still had to drive home. I honestly didn't know if I could, I was SO tired, but once I got going I was fine.

The funny thing was we were both so hungry, me in particular. I hadn't eaten much, and was mocked for scoffing a protein bar for dinner in the pub! But I was desperate although it didn't do much for me. By the time I went to bed my tummy was growling. 

I got into bed at 3am, but my mind was still busy so it took me a while to fall asleep. It was really fun and it was nice to be with friends and just relax. Much needed. 

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