All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Flying Feet

Eden asked us yesterday if she could do Junior parkrun with Ethan next time he goes. We hadn't been planning on going this week but decided we would after all, since both kids were enthusiastic about doing it.

I had to warn Eden that unlike the 5k parkrun, I wouldn't be doing it with her and that Ethan would probably sprint off fast right at the beginning. She seemed ok with this.

I waited at the first loop and when Eden appeared she looked like she was flagging a bit. So, I grabbed her hand and ran the next loop with her, telling her she needed to do the last loop herself. She agreed but by the time she crossed the finish she got overwhelmed and burst into tears.

She did well though although it remains to be seen if she want to go back again! Ethan did well too although was annoyed he didn't get a PB as he was 10 seconds slower than last week. It was a very windy day though so I've explained to him that will have slowed him down and also that he can't expect to get a PB every week!

We toook the kids to The Milk Barn for ice-cream afterwards as a wee treat.

The Foreveryoungs then headed home as did Ethan & I too. I was so exhausted from watching the kids run that I fell asleep on the sofa!

Sleepover for Ethan at the Foreveryoungs tonight so the kids were reunited again this evening.

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