Today's Memories

By Pxas


There's someone out there who's looking over us! 

Two weeks ago, we were celebrating getting the great news that the house is ours .... well it did not last too long.

Unfortunately, more hidden faults with the house came up to light today and we had no other choice but to cancel  our offer.  I would love to share the details with you, but am opting not to as this is not the place for that.  We were angry.  We were mad.  We were sad.  We didn't understand what was happening.  But at the end, it's for the best.  We are relieved that we did not buy a cat in the sack.  

It has been a life learning experience, but one that will help us buy the right house next time!

PS.  Believe it or not.  This bottle was thrown from a second story building and it still would not break!  Which is what I wanted to blip originally.  A broken bottle.  But hey!  It was worth a laugh.

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