Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


We nipped across to York to buy some piano music from the excellent Banks Music Room - a very successful trip, although I might be sick of hearing Adele songs in the near future.

Lunch in Betty's and then a chocolate fondue in York Chocolate Story - diet going swimmingly well. Somehow I cam home with a new camera too - I had taken the old G10 with me as I'm sick of lugging the 6D around, and I popped into the camera shop to try out the new G7 Mark II. I usually I am frustrated by the not so wide angle of compacts but this one is pretty good so I now just have to sell the G10, the SX700 and my old 550D to convince John I will never ever need another camera as long as I live.......

The Blip was taken with the G10 as its last hurrah. I'm currently reading The Pillars of The Earth (and probably will be for the next decade) so I'm even more fascinated by cathedrals than I was before. Sarah not so much - she was more fascinated by the Disney Store. No culture that girl. 

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