Butter for me

Using trains from Milton Keynes railway station is a bit of a challenge.  Parking is practically impossible or mega-expensive and there isn't a bus from our neck of the woods. 

This morning I decided to try the impossible and embarked on a dummy run ahead of a planned rail journey next week and drove to MK's park and ride which is adjacent to Junction 14 of the M1.  From there I located the bus stop for the transport to the station and didn't have to wait more than five minutes for said transport to arrive (bus, not a horse and cart, for those wondering).

Upon arrival at MK railway station I cunningly asked the driver where I could catch the return bus, which was just as well because it was nowhere near where I was alighting.  I then ventured into the railway station and purchased the necessary tickets for next week's trip.  No going back now.

The bus for the return trip arrived just after I did, so no hanging around, and fifteen minutes later I was back at the park and ride with another fifteen minutes drive home.  Job done.

Buttercup and bug for Tiny Tuesday.

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